Project Update #1
My team- "The Heavy Lifters"- and I have been working on finalizing our design and finding all the parts necessary to build it. We have been making sure we have all aspects of the design planned out and we have also been looking at ways to replace motors and other electrical components with mechanical ones. We have been drawing out all our plans and ideas, and even some of the backup plans we came up with. Bruce and I also created our team's mascot and logo, respectively.
Project Update #2
The base for our device has been built and we have started attaching all the rest of the part onto it. We added a wooden beam to raise the main pully in our system up. we attached the rope to a spring where it is pulled up and over the pully then down and pulled through two rollers where it attaches to the arm of our device. I figured out how to attach the arm to our base so that it will still rotate and I put that together. I also help attach the two rollers onto the base, as well as brought supplies needed for putting it all together. We have also added two metal rings to lift the pipe and added a bent metal rod to keep the pipe from flying out from the rotational force.